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From Ashes (LexTal Chronicles) (Volume 3) - Elise Faber

This is book 3 in the LexTal Chronicles and it introduces us to a few other people. I am in awe at Elise's writing skills as she can suck me into her books! This book has a lot of sass, snark mixed with flirting that equals to great golden moments. I don't like to write spoilers but I'll just say you must read these series!! Great job Elise Faber!

Dark Phoenix (Phoenix Series) (Volume 2) - Elise Faber

Dark Phoenix is a continuation of Phoenix Rising and I could not wait to read this immediately after. There is so much going on for Daughtry that I was on this amazing rollercoaster of greatness. This author wrote these words perfectly that sucked me into this book/series and I don't ever want to leave. I felt happy, sad, love and so many other emotions that poured out of me. If you have not read this series, I suggest that you do and you will fall in love with them.

Phoenix Rising - Elise Faber

OMG you must read this book immediately!! I have not been able to put this book down at all no joke! Im so in love with this book and all the characters that are in it. The storyline is so great you don't see many of the things that are going to happen. The characters are well written and thought out and very lovable I wish I was in this book myself. This book follows Daughtry and her very complicated, un-normal life as she is thrust upon a world she didn't even knew existed. There are many challenges she faces and a lot of growing and learning that she has to do but not if she's able to. In the midst of finding herself she must also make a decision that not only affects her life but another's as well. What will Daughtry do? Find out today and please, please read this wonderfully, amazing book!! Great job Elise Faber! Reading book 2 right now!!

Must Read Book!!

Blocked - Elise Faber

Omg!! I have never thought to read a book with hockey in it because I'd thought I wouldn't be able to follow, but boy I'm glad I was wrong!! This book is Amazing, brilliant and just Wow!! I felt some girl power moments and was like yeah Brit show'em what you can do! But I also love that just because Brit is a girl who plays hockey doesn't mean she can't be soft and feminine. I don't like giving spoilers but I will say there are twists and surprises in store so go grab this book now!!!